Planks are a great way to build core strength and tone your triceps and shoulders, but perfecting the technique is important for those attempting to get into shape. But how to do perfect planks? There are a few tips to keep in mind. First, keep your elbows tight against your body and your elbows aligned with the sides of your body. Next, make sure your body is held in a straight line. Don’t bend your elbows or knees. And finally, keep your chin down.

Perfect planks are the holy grail of core workouts, and it’s no wonder. They are a solid core exercise and are easy to execute yet challenging. Perfect planks require the ability to hold your body weight while supporting your entire body weight in the middle of your body—that’s tough!

The plank is a bodyweight exercise that virtually anyone can do. While it seems simple, it is a full-body workout meant to strengthen and tone the shoulders and core. While everyone’s size and shape can do a plank, it is harder for those with shorter torsos. If you want to perfect your plank, practice these five tips.

  • Reach (“front plank”)
  • Push through the heels (“back plank”)
  • Hold for 3-5 seconds
  • Pause for 1-2 seconds
  • Breathe

Planks are a serious challenge, and many people get frustrated with them. But instead of giving up on planking, you can learn how to do them perfectly. Follow these simple steps, and you’ll be planning like a pro.

Planks are an excellent exercise to strengthen your core and can be done almost anywhere, even at home. (They’re also great for beginners since they require no equipment other than your own body weight.) While they can be an extremely challenging exercise—and instructors are often quick to correct people for form—there are some easy ways you can do them right and get the most out of it.

The plank exercise is one of the most well-known bodyweight exercises, and rightfully so: it’s a great way to work your entire body and is extremely efficient in terms of time. But most beginner-level plank exercises don’t hold your body in the proper position, and the exercise can quickly turn into a workout in futility.

Planks are a great way to improve your core strength, and doing so will improve your body’s stability for all physical activities. But doing proper planks can be challenging, and many people do planks incorrectly.

Here are the common errors people make doing planks, along with tips to correct them: 

They Start from a Bad Angle. 

They start from a straight-up position, with their shoulders in line with their hips and legs straight out in front. This is too inflexible. Instead, start by bending at the elbows and the knees, lowering your body, and lengthening your arms until it’s almost parallel with the ground. This flexibility will make correcting any alignment of the shoulders, hips, and legs easier.

They Don’t Hold It Too Long. 

Planks aren’t about holding them for a long time. Instead, they’re about to hold them long enough to feel the muscle tension, building strength and endurance. Hold the plank for 20 seconds a couple of times a week, and you’re on your way to improving your core strength.

Planks are one of the simplest and most effective exercises you can do. They can be challenging but require very little equipment (you don’t even need your hands!). In a plank, you lie face down on the floor and bend one knee at a time, supporting your body on your elbows and forearm. Then, as your abdominal muscles become more and more engaged, your lower back will lift off the floor, and you will feel your body pressing into the ground.